The Cluster of Automotive Companies of Galicia and the Centre of Vigo of Groupe PSA strengthen their collaboration to promote the training offer in the field of Industry 4.0 and the Factory of the Future.
As a result of this collaboration, a practical Workshop on Digital Transformation has been developed as part of the Team Leader Lean training program organized by the Corporate University of CEAGA. This workshop is held in a space enabled in the facilities of the Centre of Vigo for training on Industry 4.0. During the session, participants are trained on the latest trends and technologies of advanced manufacturing: additive manufacturing, virtual and augmented reality, exoskeletons, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.
The Digital Transformation Workshop was held for the first time at the end of last year to close the eleventh edition of the Team Leader Lean program and will continue in future editions as the final session to close the program.
This collaboration is framed in the agreement signed at the end of 2017 between the Centre of Vigo and the Cluster to promote training 4.0, taking advantage of the synergies between both entities to develop training actions adapted to the needs of companies in the Automotive Sector of Galicia.