The Galician Automotive Foundation (CEAGA) and the automotive clusters of Aragón (CAAR), Cantabria (GIRA), Castilla y León (FACYL), Cataluña (CIAC), Comunidad Valenciana (AVIA) and Madrid (MCA) accepted the AutoRevista invitation for a meeting inside the Barcelona Motor Show. These seven organizations have a high relevance in the national industry, because they have more than 400 companies, representing a turnover of 45,000 million euros and have 105,000 direct jobs.
The participants exchanged experiences in the management of cluster organizations, continuing the line of cooperation started several years ago. This cooperation has become a national reference in the interclusters collaboration. In fact, one of this projects received the “I Intercluster Coopeartion Award” presented during the Clusters National Conference, held in Zaragoza in September 2014.
Finished this meeting, representatives of these clusters visited the ANFAC stand where they greeted the General Director of Industry and SMEs of the Ministry of Industry, Victor Audera, the day of the PIVE 8 approving.