OP Technical Center, S.L.


Sales information
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Company description
OP Technical Center was born in 2007 with the aim of developing, implementing and producing small and medium-scale products through the combination of engineering, development and production centers, based on the highest quality standards.
Products and services
Module or function
- Central console
- Door module
- Driving position
- Exterior elements
- Front End
- Lights, signalling and visibility
- Rear end
- Roof
Development and production of retro-reflectors (signaling elements) and lighting.
Auxiliary services
- Automation and robotics
- Die-stamping and tools
- Diverse
- Engineering
- Logistics and transport
- Process outsourcing
- Technological centres
Expertise and services to companies in injection tools.
Processes and technologies
- Assembly
- Electrical material
- Joining processes
- Metal shaping
- Other technologies
- Plastic shaping
- Surface treatments and finishes
Ultrasonic welding.

Address and phone
Polígono Industrial A Granxa s/n
36475 Porriño
Phone: 687 814 308