FORVIA Asientos de Galicia, S.L.



Sales information

Main value chain Tier 1
Company description

Asientos de Galicia belongs to the FORVIA Group, which has 160 factories in 28 countries and 28 Technical and R&D Centers. It will start production in 2021. Currently, it is located in the Technological and Logistic Industrial Park of Vigo with an approximate production of 1,060 vehicles per day, all of them destined to Stellantis.

Products and services

Module or function

  • Seats
The company produces car seats and has the necessary capital goods (machinery, labs and facilities) and technical capabilities.
Processes and technologies
  • Assembly
The design of the products is performed using modern optimisation and simulation systems. They base their production on the most efficient and punctual Just-In-Time systems: products are delivered in function of the tempo required by each client.

Main customers


Address and phone

Polígono Tecnológico y Logístico de Vigo - Calle 3, Parcela 2 - Beade
36312 Vigo
Phone: 986 828 800
Fax: 986 298 844

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