The Galician Automotive Cluster participates in the European project AEOLIX, which will develop a digital ecosystem will improve data end-to-end visibility across the supply chain, enabling more sustainable and efficient transport of goods across Europe.
The AEOLIX Pan-European logistics platform is expected to reduce energy consumption and thus greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% compared to the current situation. It will create a strong business environment towards a collaborative approach in the industry supply chain. It will reduce the complexity of operations and paper work and pave the way for a Pan-European digital network.
Vigo pilot will focus on logistics optimization (input or output of goods) from member companies of the Cluster. To this end, cooperation between the different local actors will be encouraged. In a first phase, the requirements and needs that companies have to share data and develop the platform will be identified. In a second phase, the project will open to other Cluster companies in order to identify common routes and test the ecosystem. The project also involved the Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia (CTAG), with some companies of the Cluster.
After a preliminary benchmarking of the transport routes to national and international destinations, the idea is to carry out the development, implementation, operation and evaluation of a solution that allows a common transport management, so that companies can exchange information to detect logistical opportunities.
With a total funding of 13 Million Euros, AEOLIX is a three-year project co-financed by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Programme. AEOLIX involves shippers, transport companies, service providers, terminal operators, public authorities, and support industry such as ICT, finance, legal, manufacturers and has consortium made of 34 partners.