- The RESIST Eurocluster is recognized by the European Commission and will mobilize more than €1 million in cascading funds to support more than 100 SMEs in their green and digital transition.
- SMEs will benefit from personalized mentoring and coaching services, networking opportunities, training, internationalization activities and innovation support.
CEAGA and four European clusters from Spain, France, the Czech Republic and Austria have launched the first Eurocluster approved by the European Commission for the mobility, transport and automotive ecosystem.
The Eurocluster RESIST: “REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry” aims to help SMEs in their green and digital transition process, as well as to increase their level of resilience in the face of upcoming challenges. To do this, it will mobilize more than 1 million euros in cascading funds through different calls related to five specific areas: networking, innovation, adaptation, training and internationalization.
In addition, SMEs will be able to benefit from access to key information and studies focused on analyzing future challenges, opportunities, needs, etc., as well as meetings with partners from other ecosystems.
In this way, RESIST will function as a One-stop-shop where SMEs from the mobility, transport and automotive ecosystem will be able to access financing and launch projects that guarantee their sustainable growth.
In addition to CEAGA, the following are part of the consortium: Pôle Véhicule du Futur (France), Asociación Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de Aragón (Spain), Moravskoslezský automobilový In addition to CEAGA, the following are part of the consortium: Pôle Véhicule du Futur – PVF (France), Asociación Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de Aragón – IdiA (Spain), Moravskoslezský automobilový klastr – Autoklastr (Czech Republic) and Business Upper Austria – Biz-Up (Austria). Yesterday the first online consortium meeting was held with the aim of coordinating and marking the steps to follow during the following months of the project.
This initiative is co-financed by the Single Market Programme (SMP COSME), through the European Commission’s “Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery” call.