Several companies of the Cluster have received a call, with a prefix +191 from Texas (United States), posing as the director of each company and demanding that they pay a false invoice or make a transfer. It is the well-known “CEO’s fraud”, which has also suffered other automotive companies and other sectors internationally.
From CEAGA, all the member companies of the Cluster were quickly alerted if something similar happened to them and the scam could not succeed in any of the companies. The events have already been reported to the Telematic Crimes Unit of the National Police.
CEO fraud aims to trick employees who have access to financial resources into paying a false invoice or making a transfer from the company account. The modus operandi is always the same: a scammer calls or e-mails posing as a senior company official.
Given the possibility that it occurs in more companies or sectors, the security forces recommend not to provide any personal, business or financial information by phone.