Yesterday the CEAGA Assembly of companies was held, which due to the current circumstances was in online mode, and was followed by more than 200 people interested in the situation of the Sector in the last year, as well as the new challenges for the future.
Within the framework of this meeting, Roberto Cavallo, director of Denso Sistemas Térmicos Spain, was elected the new president of the CEAGA Foundation. In addition, Mónica Andrino from Stellantis and Pedro Martínez Vergés from Grupo Marsan join the CEAGA Board. Cavallo affirmed in his first speech for strengthening cooperation between the Cluster companies and continue promoting key projects such as the Business Factory Auto, the Digital Transformation Hub and the logistics platform.
Cavallo has been a member of CEAGA’s Board since 2011, holding the position of Treasurer since 2017. Very committed to the proper functioning of the automotive industry and of Galicia, he has always shown his support for outstanding CEAGA initiatives such as the Business Factory Auto or the Corporate University, but he stood out mainly for being a key piece in the Lean transformation process of the Galician Automotive Sector.
In addition to the new president, Ignacio Bueno, Stellantis Center of Vigo director, and Juan Antonio Lloves, outgoing CEAGA president, also participated in the final part of the meeting. The Assembly was closed by the president of the Galician Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who attended accompanied by the second vicepresident, Francisco Conde.