CEAGA, together with the naval (Aclunaga) and TIC clusters, have constituted the “Association for the Digitalization of the Industry of Galicia”, which represents the starting point to launch the first Industrial Digital Innovation Hub of Galicia, supported by Xunta de Galicia in the framework of the Galician Strategy of Hubs.
A Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) is a regional structure that supports companies in their digital transformation processes, helping them to understand what they are, how they affect them and how they can access digital technologies and how to finance and boost investments necessary to address the digital transformation.
The three founding clusters represent the main industrial sectors of the Galician economy and agglutinate 357 entities. The Hub was born with a clear integrative and transversal vocation to promote collaboration, innovation and digital transformation of the entire Galician industry, emphasizing sectors such as automotive, naval, food, TIC, wood, stone, textile, aeronautics, among others.
In this context, Xunta de Galicia will support with an agreement of 200,000 euros the constitution and first steps of the association, whose main objective is to promote digital transformation in the Galician industry, through a multisectoral cooperation, where companies, technology centers and universities participate, etc.
In this framework of collaboration, the transfer of knowledge in key technologies at the industrial level such as IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, robotics or artificial intelligence will be promoted.