A day of experiences exchange took place yesterday in the Cluster facilities to start preventive measures against the new flu. More than thirty CEAGA companies came to this act, interested in learning about the action protocol to avoid possible contagions.
During the meeting, some of the basic aspects of the new virus (H1N1) were presented, as well as all the necessary information related to the action plan that the companies must follow to react to the new pandemic.
It is necessary to remember that the flu (H1N1) produces a new subtype of the virus opposite to the one that, precisely for being new, we are not immunized and therefore many people are in risk of contracting it. Some small advices to avoid the contagion are:
▪ Hands must be washed often, with water and soap and during approximately a minute in order for it to be effective.
▪ To cover the mouth and the nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. Immediately, throw the used tissue to the garbage.
▪ To clean with more frequency the surfaces of furniture, handles of the doors, objects, etc.
▪ To avoid, as far as possible, kisses and embraces as well as the very nearby contact.
As for the own symptoms of the H1N1 Flu, they stand out: fever of more than 38 º, cough, general discomfort, strong headache, sore throat, muscular pains, nasal congestion, sneezes and some times vomits and diarrhoea. Before the presence of these symptoms it is necessary to contact immediately with sanitary services.
If you wish more information about the action plan that the companies must carry out before this new virus, do not hesitate to contact us:
Karina Fernández
Tel.986 213 790